ISSN 2227-9490
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Almanac Space and Time
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ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ совместного проектаФилософского факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова,Московского общества испытателей природы при МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова,Федерального государственного бюджетного научного учреждения«Институт стратегии развития образования Российской академии образования»и «Электронного научного издания Альманах Пространство и Время»в рамках подготовки и проведенияXIX Всемирного фестиваля молодежи и студентов в РоссииФедерального государственного бюджетного научного учреждения  «Институт стратегии развития образования Российской академии образования», Российского университета дружбы народов, Московского общества испытателей природы при МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова и «Электронного научного издания Альманах Пространство и Время»  в рамках подготовки и проведения  XIX Всемирного фестиваля молодежи и студентов в России

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Каспийский Диалог 2016

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Виниченко М.В.

Развитие личности на этапе обучения в вузе в ходе подготовки по управленческим специальностям (направлениям) (по результатам педагогических экспериментов)


Виниченко Михаил Васильевич, доктор исторических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры управления персоналом, документоведения и архивоведения Российского государственного социального университета



В статье рассматриваются проблемные вопросы творческого развития личности в ходе подготовки по управленческим специальностям (направлениям подготовки) в вузах на основе проведенных педагогических экспериментов. В ходе исследования выявлены пути повышения творческого потенциала, активности студентов в ходе обучения в вузе и определены некоторые направления, способы повышения конкурентоспособности обучаемых как в практической профессиональной деятельности, так и в повседневной жизни. Анализируются экспериментальные данные, свидетельствующие о недостаточно эффективном использовании студентами тайм-менеджмента, несмотря на то, что таковой является одним из базовых инструментов развития личности на всех этапах ее становления. Рассмотрена возможность развития творческого потенциала через видео-проекты, при помощи коучинга, включая командный коучинг.


Ключевые слова: педагогический эксперимент, творческое развитие личности, тайм-менеджмент студентов, видео-проект, коучинг.




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Burrus J., Jackson T., Holtzman S., Roberts R.D., Mandigo T. "Examining the Efficacy of a Time Management Intervention for High School Students." ETS Research Report Series 2013.2 (2013): i—35.

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Xu J., Du J., Fan X. "“Finding Our Time”: Predicting Students' Time Management in Online Collaborative Groupwork." Computers & Education 69 (2013): 139—147.



Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:

Виниченко, М. В. Развитие личности на этапе обучения в вузе в ходе подготовки по управленческим специальностям (направлениям) (по результатам педагогических экспериментов) [Электронный ресурс] / М.В. Виниченко // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2015. — Т. 8. — Вып. 1: Пространство и время образования — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast8-1.2015.53




Vinichenko M.V.

Personality Development at the Stage of Study at Institution of Higher Learning during Training in Management Specialties (Based on Pedagogical Experiments)


Mikhail V. Vinichenko, D.Phil. (History), Professor, Chair of HR management, Records Management and Archival Science, Russian State Social University (Moscow)



Manpower of modern Russia, not even being developed, became the object of intense competition of subjects of international labor market. However, for Russians, problems of adequate positioning themselves in the labor market and evaluation of the value of their labor and labor potential remain relevant. Thus, on the one hand, in Russia, most of executives rightly believe that their subordinates consciously not position themselves in the labor market and are totally dependent on the employer. This gives leadership the confidence in its unlimited possibilities of influence on subordinates, intimidating them with dismissal. On the other hand, modern management, including Russian one, in the development of the business, is betting on employees, developing in harmony with their organizations. HR-management and line management are trying to find and use the latest technology for human development, starting with the educational process, which involves both future professionals and teachers who prepare these professionals. In turn, the educational sector is not the only place where evidence-based recommendations for improving training of specialists in the field staff management and strategies to improve efficiency in the use of human potential in a commercial environment, and public and municipal administration are introduced. Such recommendations and strategies are generated directly in the educational sphere. Pedagogical experiment plays in this significant role. Thus, many aspects of the training content (the content of curriculum and programs, their structure and budget), technique of training, and the use of new technical training facilities are introduced into the educational process after preliminary experimental verification.

The subjects of my article are realization and results of pedagogical experiment "The Development of Creativity and Systems Thinking during the Course of Vocational Training and Practical Classes in Students Studying Subjects ‘HR Management’ and ‘Management of a Manpower’," which was carried at the Russian State Social University in 2008—2009 under my supervision. At carrying out of pedagogical experiment and to analyze its results I have used the principles of systemic and determinism, the method of expert evaluations and grading.

The experiment revealed several problems:

(i) among students, the percentage of those who make decisions independently, is very small (for 1—4 courses it reaches 5%, in the best case; among the students of the 5th year it sometimes reaches 10%);

(ii) the vast majority of students, which get their education on the script given from the outside (by parents, teachers), barely shifted from such development scheme that removes the responsibility of choosing. First, the bulk of the students develop their individual plans formally, only to report back. Only a few students had the strength, desire and understanding of necessity of effective use of the time using a personal time management or student time management;

(iii) for the majority of students studying management specialties, the inability to articulate clear goals in life development is typical;

(iv) some teachers refused to implement the pedagogical experiments or participate in them, under the pretext of complexity of their organization, as well as large bureaucratic processing and reporting. Thereby actually vicious practice is introduced: teachers nurture creativity without their own creativity;

(v) pedagogical experiment is an initiative that is often necessary to nobody, except the teacher-experimenter. This activity is not assessed not only in an outdated form of incentive pay, but also in more modern systems of grading within the institution of higher learning.

However, in the course of pedagogical experiment, I was able to identify some of the ways to improve creative activity of students, effective use of time through modern technology, and the development of systemic approach to the organization of students’ activities. This is the real way to increase the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. The experiment confirmed the leading role of the teaching staff in the formation of motivation system of continuous development of students, future managers and heads.


Keywords: pedagogical experiment, creative personality development, time management in high-school students, video project, coaching.




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Freund A.M., Baltes P.B. "Selection, Optimization, and Compensation as Strategies of Life Management: Correlations with Subjective Indicators of Successful Aging." Psychology and Aging 13.4 (1998): 531—543.

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Hackman J.R., Wageman R. "A Theory of Team Coaching." Academy of Management Review 30.2 (2005): 269—287.

Wittenbaum G.M., Hollingshead A.B., Paulus P.B., Hirokawa R.Y., Ancona D.G., Peterson R.S., Jehn K.A., Yoon K. "The Functional Perspective as a Lens for Understanding Groups." Small Group Research 35.1 (2004): 17—43.

Xu J., Du J., Fan X. "“Finding Our Time”: Predicting Students' Time Management in Online Collaborative Groupwork." Computers & Education 69 (2013): 139—147.



Cite MLA 7:   

Vinichenko, M. V. "Personality Development at the Stage of Study at Institution of Higher Learning during Training in Management Specialties (Based on Pedagogical Experiments)." Elektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie Al'manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya: ‘Prostranstvo i vremya obazovaniya’ [Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time: 'The Space and Time of Education’]  8.1 (2015). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast8-1.2015.53>. (In Russian).



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